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Venom / Venom: Let There Be Carnage (US Import)
58,99 €
Investigative journalist Eddie Brock struggles to adjust to life as the host of the alien symbiote Venom, which grants him super-human abilities in order to be a lethal vigilante. Brock attempts to reignite his career by interviewing serial killer Cletus Kasady, who becomes the host of the symbiote Carnage and escapes prison after a failed execution.
- Sony Pictures
- PG13
- English
- 2
- Sony
- Ruben Fleischer
- Andy Serkis
English, French, Spanish
- Tom Hardy
- Michelle Williams
- Reid Scott
- Woody Harrelson
- Peggy Lu
- Naomie Harris
English, French, Spanish
- 2018
- A
Venom / Venom: Let There Be Carnage (US Import)
58,99 €
Artwork subject to change*
Livraison et retour
Investigative journalist Eddie Brock struggles to adjust to life as the host of the alien symbiote Venom, which grants him super-human abilities in order to be a lethal vigilante. Brock attempts to reignite his career by interviewing serial killer Cletus Kasady, who becomes the host of the symbiote Carnage and escapes prison after a failed execution.
- Sony Pictures
- PG13
- English
- 2
- Sony
- Ruben Fleischer
- Andy Serkis
English, French, Spanish
- Tom Hardy
- Michelle Williams
- Reid Scott
- Woody Harrelson
- Peggy Lu
- Naomie Harris
English, French, Spanish
- 2018
- A
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