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Stanley Kubrick Box Set
57,99 €
New remastered editions of 5 works from the Director whose movies crossed new frontiers.
2001: A Space Odyssey
A space mission that could reveal man's destiny is jeopardized by a malfunctioning shipboard computer. A dazzling journey that tops them all - and showed the way for other effects-packed films that followed.
A Clockwork Orange
A jolting tale of crime and punishment stars Malcolm McDowell as a young neo-punk who becomes the guinea pig for a state-sanctioned cure of his tendency towards "the old ultraviolence."
The Shining
"Heeeeere's Johnny!" In a macabre masterpiece adapted from Stephen King's novel, Jack Nicholson falls prey to forces haunting a snowbound mountain resort with a macabre history.
Full Metal Jacket
Marine recruits endure basic training under a leather-lunged D.I., then plunge into the hell of Vietnam. Matthew Modine heads a talented ensemble in this searing look at a process that turns people into killers.
Eyes Wide Shut
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman star. A wife's admission of unfulfilled longings plunges a Manhattan doctor into a bizarre erotic odyssey.
Special Features:
- Career Profiles.
- Expert Commentaries.
- Making-of Documentaries.
- Stanley Kubrick: A Life In Pictures.
- Warner Bros.
- Stanley Kubrick
- 18
- Tom Cruise
- Malcolm McDowell
- Nicole Kidman
- Matthew Modine
- Jack Nicholson
- Widescreen
English, English for the Hard of Hearing
- English
- 6
- 2
Stanley Kubrick Box Set
57,99 €
Rupture de stock
Livraison et retour
New remastered editions of 5 works from the Director whose movies crossed new frontiers.
2001: A Space Odyssey
A space mission that could reveal man's destiny is jeopardized by a malfunctioning shipboard computer. A dazzling journey that tops them all - and showed the way for other effects-packed films that followed.
A Clockwork Orange
A jolting tale of crime and punishment stars Malcolm McDowell as a young neo-punk who becomes the guinea pig for a state-sanctioned cure of his tendency towards "the old ultraviolence."
The Shining
"Heeeeere's Johnny!" In a macabre masterpiece adapted from Stephen King's novel, Jack Nicholson falls prey to forces haunting a snowbound mountain resort with a macabre history.
Full Metal Jacket
Marine recruits endure basic training under a leather-lunged D.I., then plunge into the hell of Vietnam. Matthew Modine heads a talented ensemble in this searing look at a process that turns people into killers.
Eyes Wide Shut
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman star. A wife's admission of unfulfilled longings plunges a Manhattan doctor into a bizarre erotic odyssey.
Special Features:
- Career Profiles.
- Expert Commentaries.
- Making-of Documentaries.
- Stanley Kubrick: A Life In Pictures.
- Warner Bros.
- Stanley Kubrick
- 18
- Tom Cruise
- Malcolm McDowell
- Nicole Kidman
- Matthew Modine
- Jack Nicholson
- Widescreen
English, English for the Hard of Hearing
- English
- 6
- 2
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